Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mini Love

Soundtrack: Iggy Pop's The Passenger
I am constantly conflicted by practicality versus pure awesomeness. While this Runabout styled Mini nailed a perfect 10/10 on practicality, the awesomeness gets still spectacular 9/10.
I like the idea of a Runabout: a tall 2 door hatchback. Thus far, there are slim pickings. The Range Stormer got watered down into the disappointing Range Rover Sport, the X1 is relegated to rumordom, the Wrangler is less reliable than a insert pun here and the 2 Door G-Wagon is... well, its actually the only solid one I can think of.
SUVs have nixed the "sport" component of their acronym and interpreted "utility" as meaning gas-guzzling-suburban-mom-machine. I'm glad mini has manned up (strange to admit to that) and re-imagined the Runabout, sadly its only a concept and will undoubtedly be distorted beyond recognition before I can give it a hug. So when are we going to hear about broader electric options?

1 comment:

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